Doing the Work in Fly Fishing with Steve Schmidt

Doing the Work in Fly Fishing with Steve Schmidt (Ep. 223)

If you don’t tie a fly that makes you want to go fishing, you’re wasting your time.

Steve Schmidt

In this episode we WadeOutThere with Steve Schmidt, from Salt Lake City, UT.  Steve moved to Utah to pursue his love of skiing while attending college.  He quickly became a die hard fly fisherman, spending almost every free day on the Provo River, skiing in the evenings, and spending his summers on some of the west’s most storied fisheries. 

Steve’s hunger to progress and learn fostered relationships with fly fishing mentors that not only helped him as a fisherman, but also opened the doors to a life and career in fly fishing.  Steve opened his fly shop, Western Rivers Fly Fisher, in 1986 and although he’s recently retired, you can still find him in the shop helping others progress on their own fly fishing journeys. 

We discuss dry fly tactics and why doing the hard work matters in all aspects of fly fishing.

You can listen to the show on the podcast player below or anywhere that you enjoy podcasts. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed talking with Steve.


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Learn More

Western Rivers Flyfisher.com
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | What Makes a Good Day’s Fishing
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | Embrace the Drive
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | Leveraging Angles in Fly Fishing

Jason Shemchuk Art

Fly fishing holds special memories for us all. The fish we catch, the rivers we wade, and the people we fish with are all a part of our unique fly fishing journey. My art is meant to capture these memories and remind us all to go back to the places that bring us joy.

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