If you let the rod do the work, like it should, then you don’t have to use as much of your muscle power or exert as much energy as you think.
Christy McReynolds
In this episode we WadeOutThere with Christy McReynolds from Jonesborough, Tennessee. Christy grew up learning to fish with her father in the lakes and rivers of East Tennessee.
In 2011, after a devastating car accident left Christy with a broken neck, Christy turned to fly fishing and fly tying to help regain mobility and strength in her hands and arms as well as build up strength in her neck. Casting streamers quickly became her way of physically and mentally dealing with the persistent pain she experienced as a result of her injury. She and her husband Jason, enjoyed streamer fishing so much, that they started a guide service called Flying Soho, that specializes in streamer fishing for large fish on the Watauga and South Holston Rivers.
We discuss Christy’s journey of recovery through fly fishing, and how she approaches tying and fishing streamers to help maintain her strength.
Christy’s fly fishing journey is a story of perseverance and discovery. It shows the power that fly fishing can have in healing the mind and body. Starting from zero, Christy has evolved into a tactical angler who has, literally, tied thousands of streamers for her and her husband’s guide service. Her experience reminds us to treat every day on the water as a gift, and embrace the things that bring us joy in fly fishing and life.
You can listen to the show on the podcast player below or anywhere that you enjoy podcasts. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed talking with Christy.
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More About Christy
Instagram: @flyingsoho
Facebook: Flyingsoho
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Jason Shemchuk Art
Fly fishing holds special memories for us all. The fish we catch, the rivers we wade, and the people we fish with are all a part of our unique fly fishing journey. My art is meant to capture these memories and remind us all to go back to the places that bring us joy.
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