Weight is one of the most important things in the world when your fishing deep water and looking for large trout or any trout on the bottom of those pools.
Jon Messinger
In this episode we WadeOutThere with Jon Messinger, from Denver, Colorado. Jon grew up on a ranch in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where time on the river was part of everyday childhood play.
He fell in love with fishing the small streams around his home, and targeting hard to reach trout he found on the San Juan River. Eventually, Jon moved to Bozeman where he began creating music and continued to fly fish. Now, Jon is back in Colorado where he guides for Colorado Trout Hunters.
We discuss techniques for nymphing deep pools, experimentation on the river, and fishing with friends when you’re the only one not catching fish.
Those deep pools can be frustrating. When we see the trout, but somehow, cannot reach them. Often I will pass up water like this because I think the juice isnt worth the squeeze (even though I know there are big fish down there.) Jon reminds us that those are the opportunities that we have to reach outside our comfort zone and start problem solving again. Because at one point everything was a new problem. It’s only after we have had some success that we get comfortable. Comfortable with a certain fly, or a special spot, or a type of presentation that we “know” works for us… Until it doesn’t.
You can listen to the show on the podcast player below or anywhere that you enjoy podcasts. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed talking with Jon.
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More About Jon
Instagram: @flymessinger
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Jason Shemchuk Art
Fly fishing holds special memories for us all. The fish we catch, the rivers we wade, and the people we fish with are all a part of our unique fly fishing journey. My art is meant to capture these memories and remind us all to go back to the places that bring us joy.
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