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Photo from Rich Strolis

Tying Durable Flies and Streamer Tactics with Rich Strolis

For many of us, tying flies comes after the fishing part.  It's the next step, or at least, another step.  If we enjoy it, embrace it, and continue tying, fly tying becomes just another aspect of fly fishing.  Like learning how to tight line or chasing a new species.  Tying, then, becomes part of the progress we seek, and as we learn new tactics and techniques for fishing, our tying evolves as well.
Photo from Fishing the Good Fight

Streamer Fishing on the North Platte River and the Importance of Community with Jennings Hester

Fly fishing brings with it the idea of solitude.  Alone with your thoughts on the river.  Just you and the fish.  Many people fall in love with fly fishing because of that time away from everything else in their lives that clutters their brain.  I admit, I seek that same state of mind in fly fishing. That focus and clarity that comes from wading through cold, flowing water and getting lost in the problem solving.  That focus we find in fly fishing, when everything else disappears is special, but even in our solitude, we are part of a community of others who seek the same thing.  And that makes the fly fishing community unique... and valuable.
Photo from Cade Moore

Adapting on the Provo River and Carp Tactics in Utah with Cade Moore

Most fly fishers will tell you that presentation is more important in catching fish than fly selection.  I tend to agree with this concept, but Cade makes a good point that brings the concepts of presentation and fly selection closer together than we may sometimes consider.  Fly selection is more than just the kind of bug you are presenting the fish.  Flies can change how we present the fly as well.  
Puerto Rico Saltwater Fly Fishing
Photo from Alejandro Feliciano

Sight Fishing for Tarpon in Puerto Rico with Alejandro Feliciano

Keep on moving.  Because the good things out there don’t always come to us.  Alejandro Feliciano knows this from his time walking the beaches of Puerto Rico, where the fish are always there, you just have to go find them.  Whether we’re searching for a fish to tighten our line or a new river to explore, it seems nature provides, so long as we go searching.