Danny Lane
“And Chubbys… I think that once the salmon flies go, they’re alway kind of looking for something like that (Chubby Chernobyl.) Because they go straight from salmon fly, to golden stone, to hopper. And the big dry is kind of always available for them.”
In this episode we WadeOutThere for Part Two of our conversation with Danny Lane from Idaho Falls, Idaho. Danny grew up fishing in the ponds around Boise as a child and became fascinated with fly fishing early on.
After leaving his hometown for a change of pace, he finally found himself in the fly shops and rivers of Eastern Idaho, when his wife’s job brought them to the banks of the Henry’s Fork River. Danny was guiding shortly after and is a signature fly tier for Umpqua Feather Merchants.
In Part Two of our talk we discuss the Henry’s Fork River, tactics and techniques for dry flies, and Danny’s unique artwork.
Danny Lane
“A better drift in the not so perfect spot, is way better than a bad drift in the right spot.”
You can listen to the show on the podcast player below or anywhere that you enjoy podcasts. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed talking with Danny.
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Instagram: @DanielJamesLazy
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | The Two Best Times for Experimenting on the River
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | Fly Selection. Share the Work.
Jason Shemchuk Art
Fly fishing holds special memories for us all. The fish we catch, the rivers we wade, and the people we fish with are all a part of our unique fly fishing journey. My art is meant to capture these memories and remind us all to go back to the places that bring us joy.
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