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The Iron Freedom Foundation

Veterans, Healing and Community with Will Cannon from The Iron Freedom Foundation. Podcast Ep 93 – Part 1 of 2

Will picked up a fly rod when he was eight years old and fished his home waters in Texas until he turned 17 and joined the Army as a scout.  After leaving the profession of arms, he found himself struggling with PTSD and battling cancer.  At his lowest point he returned to fly fishing and found relief. Determined to share the powerful healing he experienced through fly fishing with other struggling veterans, Will started the non-profit organization, The Iron Freedom Foundation (IFF).  
Dry fly fishing Pennsylvania
Photo from Trevor Smith.

Dry Fly Fishing and Versatility with the Mono Rig with Trevor Smith – Podcast – Ep 92

Dry fly fishing in Pennsylvania with the Mono Rig was one of the most lasting memories of my fly fishing journey. Casting blue winged olives in the silent, snowy, solitude of a beautiful river I’d never stepped foot in before was remarkable. I had never fished dries in the snow, let alone on the Mono Rig. Both proved to be deeply rewarding.
Photo from Dana Osthoff.

WOT 70: Rocky Mountain Golden Trout with Dana Osthoff.

Perhaps one of the more challenging and rewarding trout to chase is the golden.  I remember as a teenager backpacking into the Beartooth Mountains and deliberately passing on some of the lakes we knew held goldens.  They were brutal hikes to say the least.  I am happy Dana accepted the challenge and chased those beautiful fish, and am grateful to her for sharing her knowledge and experiences on the podcast.
Photo from Phil Tereyla.

WOT 69: Big Brown Trout Tactics on the Dream Stream with Phil Tereyla.

On the surface Phil’s experience on the Dream Stream and my own seems anything but similar.  Phil Tereyla is a professional fly fishing guide, born and raised in Colorado, who loves targeting big brown trout on the Dream Stream section of the South Platte River.  My time fishing the Dream Stream was twenty years ago, as a beginner fly fisher going to school in Colorado, who was more concerned with catching ANY fish, let alone big browns.  But the Dream Stream gave us both something very much the same.  A challenge.  And a hope for a great fish, that could only be caught by embracing that challenge.
Photo from @onlyny.

WOT 68: The Neversink River and Tightlining with Sean Witman.

I had caught several fish already. Fishing was good. A size 16 pheasant tail with a zebra midge dropper. Most of the takes were on the midge. It renewed my confidence in this confidence fly, and in the idea that my fly mattered far less than the rest of it. My casts were landing softly. My drifts were sliding smoothly. The fly line flowed evenly with the indicator and my hooksets were effective. It all felt right. I was in the groove.
Photo from Adipose Boatworks.

Podcast 67: Fly Fishing for Carp on the Missouri River with Justin Waayenberg.

Carp fishing and permit fishing are extremely similar. If you had told me this before speaking with Justin, I would never have believed you. After talking with him, I am convinced. Of course it is not exactly the same, but if your living far from the ocean, chasing carp may scratch the itch. Justin's enthusiasm is contagious and this episode is one of the deepest dives we have had on the Wadeoutthere Podcast into all the intricate details that can bring success while fly fishing for any species.