Evan Keene
“You don’t have to land it (hopper) soft. At least on the Yellowstone. I mean slap that thing down. Slap it down. They do not care. It grabs their attention. That soft long water… You give it one big slap and you try to give it a good mend for a twitch, and then let it float as long as possible.”
In this episode we WadeOutThere with Evan Keene from Livingston, Montana. Evan fell in love with fly fishing after his father took him on a fishing trip to Alaska after high school graduation. From then on he was learning all he could about the sport while making the drive from his home state of Tennessee to fish the Little Red River in Missouri as much as possible.
Finally, Evan took a job in Montana, that got him out on the river more often, and eventually into the guiding business. Now, Evan is in his first year of running his own fly shop, Hatch Finders, in the Yellowstone Valley, with his close friend and business partner.
We discuss summer hopper fishing, adjusting to dramatic weather changes that bring snow and rain, as well the Yellowstone River.
You can listen to the show on the podcast player below or anywhere that you enjoy podcasts. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed talking with Evan.
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Hatch Finders.com
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READ: WADEOUTTHERE | Fly Fishing with Confidence Part One. Why Confidence Catches Fish
READ: WADEOUTTHERE | Techniques for Casting “With” the Wind
Jason Shemchuk Art
Fly fishing holds special memories for us all. The fish we catch, the rivers we wade, and the people we fish with are all a part of our unique fly fishing journey. My art is meant to capture these memories and remind us all to go back to the places that bring us joy.
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